Photo Gallery:

Click HERE to see our photos from the road.

Maps and More Maps....

Click HERE to see our complete route on a Google Map.
Click HERE to download a .kml file to view our route in Google Earth.
Coming soon.....a map with all of our photos. Here's a quick look at about 1/3rd of the photos.


Click HERE to see our jeep's path during the BABE Rally and follow these steps:

1. In the "Account" field enter: baberally
2. Leave all other fields blank and click "Login"
3. Then click on "Track Your GPS Devices"
4. The map should default to the current day. To see data from the BABE Rally, select May 24 thru May 27 and then press "Update Map"
5. We're Team 25! This is Team 28: Team Grubb

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Almost there

We're about 54 miles outside of New Orleans and enjoying all that Mississippi has to offer in terms of landscape. For those fans tracking us at home, you'll probably notice a huge gap in coverage - our cell phone internet card struggled to get a signal out in the middle of nowhere. Going to stop for gas and start stripping the truck of her rally paint and stickers in preparation for the new owner. Truck still running great and we're getting lots of looks because we painted "Sorry, Sold!" in big letters on the tailgate. Here's a link list put together by the rickety van folks of other babe teams and their experiences:

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