Photo Gallery:

Click HERE to see our photos from the road.

Maps and More Maps....

Click HERE to see our complete route on a Google Map.
Click HERE to download a .kml file to view our route in Google Earth.
Coming soon.....a map with all of our photos. Here's a quick look at about 1/3rd of the photos.


Click HERE to see our jeep's path during the BABE Rally and follow these steps:

1. In the "Account" field enter: baberally
2. Leave all other fields blank and click "Login"
3. Then click on "Track Your GPS Devices"
4. The map should default to the current day. To see data from the BABE Rally, select May 24 thru May 27 and then press "Update Map"
5. We're Team 25! This is Team 28: Team Grubb

Monday, May 7, 2007


Fixed the tranny return line tonight and took the truck for a test drive. No apparent leaks and everything works as it should. I duct taped the seatbelt warning light to the back of the gauge cluster and it works great as an instrument panel light. Put about 3.5 miles on the truck and made sure it shifts into all three gears - got up to a blistering 35 mph too. Engine pulls strong and didn't stall, hesitate or backfire. Still have a lot of cleanup work to do, but the goal for the immediate future is to focus on getting as many miles as possible on the truck to work out any potential problems. Last few items remaining:

1. Inspect / repair brakes and change brake fluid for good measure. Our resident jeep expert, Tom, mentioned that the Dana 44 calipers are notorious for binding due to rusty caliper pins.
2. Verify cooling system / thermostat works - still haven't had the truck up to normal operating temp because it's still cool here in the evenings. The gauge has stayed towards the bottom end of the green.
3. Test truck at highway speed to see if the tires need to be balanced
4. Buy a spare tire (probably used)
5. Clean up wiring, hoses, tighten every nut and bolt within reach, etc.
6. Reinforce the frame in key locations
7. Troubleshoot fuel gauge (leaning towards ignoring this and doing everything with seat of the pants mileage calcs)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Brian,
My name is Amanda I am from Baltimore and our team When Pigs Fly With Big Ball Joints will be joining you in NY. Figured i would try and make a connection before the big race. I saw that you also "drove audis and are used to things breaking" and was wondering if you would be heading up to Carlisle for the Audi Nationals? We will be there next weekend. Anyway if you would be interested in taking your piece of crap out before the big day in NY, let us know. the LeBacon is ready for public consumption. good luck and look forward to meeting you. amanda